News Releases

Trinity Health Foundation Awards Nursing Scholarships

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Elli (Ellisavet) Nicolis was presented with a $1,400.00 Program for Continuing Education (PCE) grant given by Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO) International, via their local Bottineau chapter. PCE is intended to provide one-time, need-based grants to women who are citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States or Canada. The grant is used to complete a degree or certification necessary for improving or gaining skills leading to employment.

Elli is in the process of becoming a registered nurse and is currently completing her program through Dakota College at Bottineau on the Minot campus. Elli is slated to graduate in May 2020.

The PEO program for continuing education, established in 1973, is a need-based grant program. The program provides one-time financial assistance to women whose education has been interrupted. It provides an opportunity to return to school and complete a degree or certification that improves marketable skills. The education assists individuals in finding employment which in turns assists in supporting themselves and/or their families.

PEO meets on a monthly basis and helps raise money to support women pursuing higher education, helping women from high school seniors and older. For additional information on scholarships offered through PEO International, visit or contact local chapter members via email at Kim Hagen, President
