News Releases

LeaderJacks Keep Giving

Giving Hearts Day 2-2021.jpg

Lane Peltier and Vonda Olson

The LeaderJacks keep giving back to the Bottineau community.  After raising over $200 at a bake sale in January, the LeaderJacks decided to find ways to support a couple of different generations.

The LeaderJacks delivered valentine treats to local senior living facilities and participated in Meals on Wheels for “Giving Hearts Day”. They put together treat bags with candy, goodies, activities and care stickers. The attached photo is Lane Peltier helping Vonda Olson with the delivery of Meals on Wheels. The residents were elated with the LeaderJacks visit.

This month the LeaderJacks are hosting a stuffed animal drive between the women’s and men’s basketball games on Friday, March 26th.  All stuffed animals gathered that evening will be donated to local emergency services.  Getting stuffies into the hands of police, fire and emergency officials allows personnel to give them to a child at the scene of incidents, providing comfort during a traumatic situation.  
Jack fans attending the game(s) may bring a stuffed animal to donate or adopt one at the game for only $5. All the stuffed animals will be tagged. Fans will throw them to the middle of the gym floor with prizes awarded to fans who land one within a targeted area.  

Interested in helping the Lumberjacks stuff the emergency vehicles with stuffed animals? Come to the home Jack’s basketball games Friday, March 26th.  Ladyjacks and Lumberjacks take on Dawson Community College at 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm, respectively.   The stuffed animal toss will take place after the women’s game.  

