News Releases

DCB Space Grant Scholarship Recipients Announced


Left to Right: Larry Brooks, Dean for Academic Affairs, Alexis Gullett, Francisco Flores, Alex Abrahamson, Colton Soiseth, Andrew Huwe, Lydia Hunter, Jonah Kvernum not pictured.

The North Dakota Space Grant Consortium, under the direction of the University of North Dakota, made available $7,000 in scholarship funds to students at Dakota College at Bottineau.  These funds were awarded to students who show promise in the areas of science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).  The goal behind the North Dakota Space Grant Scholarship program is to identify, recruit and retain students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics; to encourage women and underrepresented students to enter these fields of study; and to increase NASA activities and awareness in North Dakota.  To qualify for the Space Grant Scholarship, students must show academic excellence, have a sophomore standing, and have education and career interests relevant to STEM.

This year, seven students from Dakota College at Bottineau were selected to receive this scholarship:

  • Alex Abrahamson (Saint John, ND) – Associate of Science – Agriculture
  • Francisco Flores (Soap Lake, WA) – Associate of Science – Biology, Exercise Science
  • Alexis Gullett (Bottineau, ND) – Associate of Science – Liberal Arts, Pre-physical Therapy
  • Andrew Huwe (Towner, ND) – Associate of Science – Biology
  • Lydia Hunter (Bottineau, ND) – Associate of Science – Natural Resources, Wildlife Management
  • Jonah Kvernum (Bottineau, ND) – Associate of Science – Pre-veterinary Science
  • Colton Soiseth (Alamo, ND) – Associate of Science – Wildlife Management

