2022 Region 2 Farm Averages Presented
This spring, Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) ND Farm Management Education (NDFME) instructors held the 2022 Region 2 average presentation at each of the instructing locations. Presentations were held in their respective instructing communities of Minot, Bottineau, Rugby by Lynsey Aberle, Dr. Linda Burbidge and Morgan Stutrud. These meetings informed producers as well as lenders of the average results for the 2022 production season and answered questions that attendees had about the results or the NDFME Program.
The data set included 92 operational farms. The average age of the operation enrolled was 45 years old with 21 years of farming/ranching experience. The average crop acres farmed was 1,723.4 acres. The average number of cows owned was 86 cows with an 82% weaning percentage. The average weaning weight was 515 pounds while the average weaning weight of calves sold was 525 pounds at $1.80. The average feed cost per cow was $468.83. The cattle data was pulled from a total of 7 ranches. This is not a representation of the number of operations enrolled in DCB’s Farm Management Education Program but rather the number of operations that completed an analysis by the publishing deadline.
Other subjects covered at the 2022 presentation included the following:
- A 7-year trend of net farm income, government payments, non-farm income and family living costs.
- A 7-year trend of financial ratios as well as an explanation of each ratio.
- 2022 crop acres, cash farm expenses, and crop comparison between prevent plant, hard red spring wheat, soybeans, corn, canola, and barley.
- Yield per acre, cost per acre, average crop value, and breakeven price on cash rent barley, canola, corn, hard red spring wheat, and soybeans.
- Yield per acre, cost per acre, net return per acre, average value, and average rent on hay enterprises and pasture.
- Summary of cow/calf with backgrounding inputs.
- Total expense and net return per cow on cow/calf enterprises with backgrounding.
- Pounds weaned per exposed female on cow/calf enterprises with backgrounding.
In addition to the 2022 Region 2 averages presentation, Jason Frey and Jesse Klebe from Hurley and Associates presented “Goals – A guide to Business Minded Marketing”. Jason and Jesse discussed the importance of understanding your farm financials, defining what success means for your operation, understanding put options, and self-awareness within your operation.
The 2022 regional and state average books can be found online at www.dakotacollege.edu/farmmanagement. If you have any questions regarding the average results or the North Dakota Farm Management Education Program, please reach out to your local instructor.