Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

ACCT201 Accounting II - Belgarde 2
ACCT201 Accounting II - Rodacker online 6
ACCT215 Business In The Legal Environ - Ackerman online 8
ACCT260 Accounting Information systems - Rodacker online 18
AGRI242 Advanced Farm Management - Armstrong, Braaten, Knudson, Aberle 20
AH134 Medical Disorders - McDaniel online 22
AH136 Clinical Procedures - Clemens online 26
AH137 Clinical Specialities - Clemens online 31
AH139 Basic Diagnosis Coding - Aboutar online 35
AH142 Intermediate Coding I - Aboutar online 38
AH143 Practical Applications in Coding II - Aboutar online 41
AH171 Medical Terminology - Slaubaugh online 44
AH222 Medical Transcription I - Gage online 46
AH231 Healthcare Law and Ethics - Clemens online 48
AH266 Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests - Williams online 50
AH287 Computer Applications in HealthCare - McDaniel online 53
ART110 Introduction to he Understanding of Visual Art - Saunders hybrid online 57
ART110 Introduction to he Understanding of Visual Art - Saunders hybrid 63
ART211 Art History II - Moss 69
ASC 094 Algebra - Joy Minot 74
ASC087 College Writing Prep - Conn 84
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Albrightson 94
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Remick 99
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Schneider online 101
ASC88 College Writing Prep - Conn 104
ASC88 Composition Lab - Albrightson 111
ASC88 Composition Lab - Porter 114
ASC88 Composition Lab - Schneider online 118
ASC91 Algebra Prep I - Chisholm online 121
ASC91 Algebra Prep I - Puhr 1st 8wk 124
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Puhr 2nd 8wk 128
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Chisholm 1st 8wk 132
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Chisholm online 137
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Puhr 2nd 8wk 140
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Chisholm (1st 8k) 144
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Chisholm 2nd 8wk 148
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Chisholm online 152
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Johnson 155
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Puhr 1st 8wk 159
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Puhr 2nd 8wk 163
BADM170 Entrepreneurship - Fixen online 167
BADM202 Management - Keith 170
BADM210 Advertising - Fixen online 177
BADM213 Public Relations - Keith 180
BADM214 Entertainment Marketing - Heisler online 187
BADM240 Sales - Heisler online 192
BADM260 Principles of Retailing - Belgarde online 197
BADM289 Advertising Campaigns - Heisler online 199
BIOL115 Concepts of A & P - Brooks online 204
BIOL124 Environmental Science - Bartholomay online 207
BIOL124 Environmental Science - Hahka 209
BIOL151 Biology - Hahka 212
BIOL200 Biotech and Lab Tech - Datta 215
BIOL202 Microbiology - Datta online 219
BIOL202 Microbiology - Datta 225
BIOL220 Anatomy and Physiology - Hahka 229
BIOL220 Biotech and Lab Tech - Datta Online 232
BIOL221 Anatomy & Physiology II - Datta 236
BIOL221 Anatomy and Physiology II - Datta online 240
BIOL221 anatomy and Physiology II - Datta 244
BOT212 Botany - Hahka 248
BOTE108 business Mathematics - Johnson 251
BOTE147 Word Processing - Nelson 254
BOTE147 Word Processing - O'Toole - Online 256
BOTE147 Word Processing - O'Toole 259
BOTE152 Keyboarding II - Larson online 262
BOTE209 Office Management - Jackson online 265
BOTE210 Business Communications - Gagnon minot 269
BOTE210 Business Communications - Larson online 271
BOTE217 Records Management - fixen online 275
BOTE218 Desktop Publishing - Nelson 279
BOTE218 Desktop Publishing - Rodacker online 281
BOTE247 Spreadsheet Applications - O'Toole online 284
BUSN170 Entrepreneurship - Belgarde Minot 286
CARS102 Career Exploration - Halvorson 289
CARS105 Job Search - Halvorson online 293
CARS105 Job Search - Halvorson 298
CHEM115 Intro to Chemistry - Bartholomay 303
CHEM116 Intro to Organic and Bio-Chemistry - Bartholomay 306
CHEM122 General Chemistry II - Bartholomay 308
CIS147 Principles of Information Security - Schneider LRSC 310
CIS 147 Principles of Information Security 310
CIS181 Creating Web Pages II - Nelson 312
CIS233 Vector Graphics & Web Animation - Nelson 314
CIS248 Digital Media I - Nelson 316
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Albrightson 319
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Biggerstaff online 321
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Keith Large Class ((923, 1011 & 2pm classes) 326
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Keith online 334
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Porter 338
CSC I101 Introduction to Computers - O'Toole 11AM 343
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers - Jackson online 346
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers - Koapke 350
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers - O'Toole 10AM 354
CSCI124 Beginning C++Visual C++ - Hanson LRSC 357
CSCI 124 357
Beginning C++/Visual C++ 357
Business Division Mission Statement 361
EC209 Learning Env for Children - Mills online 362
EC211 Observation, Assessment, and Interpretation Techniques - Patterson online 366
EC222 Administration and Leadership - Jackson online 370
EC233-Pre-K Methods and Materials - Jackson online 375
EC236 Social-Emotional Development & Guidance - Mooney online 381
EC238 Home, School, and Environment - Jackson online 386
ECON201 Principles of Microeconomics - Bergan online 391
ECON202 Principles of Macroeconomics - Bergan online 16 wk 401
ECON202 Principles of Macroeconomics - Peterson Williston 411
EDUC220 Classroom Management - Migler 419
EDUC220 Classroom Management - Mooney online 425
EDUC260 Educational Psychology - Migler 428
EDUC260 Educational Psychology - Mooney online 434
EDUC297 cooperative Ed - Migler 438
EDUC298 Intro to Ed Prac - Migler 440
ENGL110 College Composition I - Albrightson 444
ENGL110 College Composition I - Porter 448
ENGL110 College Composition I - Schneider online 456
ENGL110 College Composition I- Porter 460
ENGL120 College Composition II - Albrightson 468
ENGL120 College Composition II - Bedard 474
ENGL120 College Composition II - Bjornson 483
ENGL120 College Composition II - Irey online 486
ENGL120 College Composition II - Porter 489
ENGL120 College Composition II - Remick 496
ENGL120 College Composition II - Schneider online 498
ENGL125 Intro to Prof Writing - Hansen online 502
ENGL211 Introduction to Creative Writing - Albrightson 508
ENGL220 Introduction to Literature - Hansen online 512
ENGL220 Introduction to Literature - Porter 518
ENGL238 Children's Literature - Albrightson 525
ENGL238 Children's Literature - Hansen online 530
ENGL238 Children's Literature Honors - Albrightson 535
ENGL262 American Literature II - Bjornson 538
ENVT255 Introduction to GIS - Clemenson 541
FORS263 Urban Forestry Management - Underwood online 543
FORS280 Principles of Pruning - McLeod online 546
FWLD122 Wildlife and Fisheries Techniques - Datta 550
FWLD260 Fish and Wildlife Law - Tofteland 553
GEOG161 World Regional Geography - Boone 556
GEOL105 Physical Geology - Bartholomay 561
GERO240 Administering Medications - Slaubaugh online 563
GERO256 Development of Social Welfare - Holben online 566
GERO285 Home Health Management - Holben online 570
GERO297 Cooperative Ed - Holben online 574
HIST104 United States History Since 1877 - Boone 577
HIST104 United States History Since 1877 - Williamson online 587
HIST212 World Civilizations Since 1500 - Boone 592
HIST220 North Dakota History - Williamson online 603
HORT121 Introduction to Aquaponics - Knudson online 1st 8 wk 607
HORT122 Aquaponics Production - Knudson online 1st 8 wk 610
HORT125 Aquaponics Practicum I - Knudson 612
HORT126 Aquaponics Practicum II - Knudson 615
HORT127 aquaponics Practicum III - Knudson 618
HORT145 Aquaponics Practicum I - Knudson 621
HORT146 Aquaponics Practicum II - Knudson 623
HORT147 Aquaponics Practicum III - Knudson 625
HORT177 Floral Design I - Beckman 627
HORT178 Floral Design II - Beckman 629
HORT222 Aquaponics Management II - Knudson 631
HORT235 Herbaceous landscape Plants - Koehler 634
HORT243 Good Agriculture Practices - Knudson online 2nd 8 wk 638
HORT246 Compost Production & Use - Knudson online 2nd 8 wk 641
HORT248 Greenhouse Structures - Knudson 643
HORT249 Greenhouse Operations - Koehler 645
HORT249 Greenouse Operations - Koehler 649
HORT262 Speciality Crop Marketing - Knudson online 2nd 8 wk 653
HORT282 garden Planning - Koehler 656
HPER 101 Ice Fishing - Porter 659
HPER100 concepts of Wellness and Fitness - Davis 661
HPER100 Concepts of Wellness and Fitness - Kauffman online 663
HPER100 Concepts of Wellness and Fitness - Rybchinski 665
HPER101 Running - Kvasnicka-Gates 667
HPER205 Physical Education for Elementary Children - Rybchinski 670
B = 80% - 89% 670
Formal lectures, group discussions and role playing activities will be conducted throughout the course. Arrangements will be made to observe at the Bottineau and Area schools. Missed work can be found on Blackboard. 670
HPER208 Intro to PE - Rybchinski 671
HPER210 First Aid-CPR - Williams online 673
HPER210 First Aid-CPR - Williams 675
HUM101 Intro to Humanities I - Albrightson online 677
HUM102 Intro to Humanities II - Albrightson online 682
MATH103 College Algebra - Blair online 688
MATH103 College Algebra - Chisholm 694
MATH103 College Algebra - Johnson 698
MATH103 College Algebra - Schlosser 701
MATH104 Finite Math - Richman online 704
MATH105 Trigonometry - Johnson 708
MATH107 Precalculus - Chisholm 711
MATH107 Precalculus - Johnson 715
MATH107 Precalculus - Richman online 718
MATH165 Calculus - Johnson 721
MATH210 Elementary Statistics - Chisholm online 724
MATH210 Elementary Statistics - Chisholm 730
MATH277 Math for Elementry Teachers I - Richman online 735
MATH278 Math for Elementary Teachers II - Johnson 739
MATH278 Math for Elementary Teachers II - Richman online 742
MUSC207 History of Popular Music - Boone 746
NUR 259 RN Role Transitions - Solheim 755
NURS124 Clinical Practice II - Romfo & WIlliams 761
NURS124-127-145 Tri-schedules PN Romfo 768-769
NURS127 Practical Nursing II Intro to Med Surg Nursing 786
NURS145 Intro to Maternal Child Nursing 792
NURS228 Alterations in Health II 798
NURS229 Health Promotion & Psychosocial Nursing 804
NURS237 Clinical Applications II 810
NURS237-228-229-259-237 Tri-schedules AD Romfo 818-819
NUTR240 Principles of Nutrition - Slaubaugh online 848
PHOT150 Digital Darkroom - Saunders hybrid online 850
PHOT150 Digital Darkroom - Saunders hybrid 861
PHOT150 Digital Darkroom - Vorenkamp online 872
PHOT180 Photography I - Vorenkamp online 883
PHOT190 Principles of Lighting - Vorenkamp online 894
PHOT192 Photography Practicum I - Saunders 904
PHOT210 Intermediate Photography - Vorenkamp online 912
PHOT232 Advertising Photography - Saunders hybrid 922
PHOT232 Advertising Photography - Vorenkamp online 933
PHOT234 Portrait Photography - Vorenkamp online 944
PHOT234 Potrait Photography - Saunders hybrid 955
PHOT240 Outdoor Photography - Vorenkamp online 966
PHOT285 Conceptual Photogarphy - Vorenkamp online 977
PHOT287 Documentary Photography - Vorenkamp online 987
PHOT289 Photography Portfolio - Vorenkamp online 997
PHOT289 Phyotography Portfolio - Saunders hybrid 1007
PHOT292 Photo Practicum III - Saunders 1017
PHOT293 Photo Practicum IV - Vorenkamp online 1025
PHRM215 Intro to Pharmacology - Indvik 1035
PHRM215 Intro to Pharmacology - McDaniel online 1038
PHYS120 Fundamentals of Physics - Bartholomay 1043
PLSC175 Landscape Design I - Mawby 1045
PLSC255 Plant Disease Management - McLeod online 1049
PLSC268 Plant Propagation - Koehler 1053
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus 1053
Course Description: 1053
Course Objectives: 1053
Instructor: 1053
Office: 1053
Office Hours: 1053
Phone: 1053
Email: 1053
Lecture/Lab Schedule: 1053
Textbook(s): 1053
Course Requirements: 1054
Tentative Course Outline: Week one 1054
Week Two 1054
Week Three 1054
Week Four 1054
Week Five 1054
Week Six 1054
Week Seven 1055
Lab Project: Students will be assigned a type of grafting to research and prepare a presentation on and present it to class in weeks 14 and 15. 1055
Week Eight 1055
PLSC275 Advanced Arbo - McLeod online 1057
POLS115 American Government - Boone 1061
PSYC100 Human Relations in Organizations - Belgarde online 1070
PSYC100 Human Relations in Organizations - Gagnon 1072
PSYC111 Introduction to Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates 1075
PSYC111 Introduction to Psychology - Lopez online 1079
PSYC250 Developmental Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates Early Entry 1084
PSYC250 Developmental Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates online 1089
PSYC250 Developmental Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates 1094
PSYC270 Abnormal Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates online 1099
PSYC270 Abnormal Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates 1103
PSYC280 Introduction to Health Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates online 1108
PSYC280 Introduction to Health Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates 1113
RLS212 Principles of Interpretation - Niesar online 1118
RLS215 Recreation Areas & Facilities - Higlin online 1120
RLS222 Recreation Program Planning - Niesar online 1124
RLS285 Natural Resource Law - Niesar online 1126
RLS286 Recreation Adminstration - Higlin online 1128
RLS288 Accessibility and Public Policy in Leisure Services - Holben online 1132
SOC110 Introduction to Sociology - Boone 1138
SOC110 Introduction to Sociology - Garcia online 1148
SOC251 Gerontology - Garcia online 1153
SOIL210 Introduction to Soil Science - Underwood online 1158
SPED110 Introduction to Exceptional Children - Migler 1161
SPED110 Introduction to Exceptional Children - Mooney online 1168
UNIV101 Leadership through Service I - Arnold online 1173
UNIV105 First Year Experience - Gagnon 1175
UNIV110 College Study Skills - Gagnon 1177
UNIV110 College Study Skills - Moss online 1179
UNIV110 College Study Skills - Moss 1182
UNIV110 College Study Skills - Remick 1185