Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: HPER 100 Concepts of Wellness and Fitness Number of credits: 2 Instructor: Travis Rybchinski Office: Thatcher Hall 128 (Under the Bleachers beside the team room.) Phone: 701-228-5450 Email: travis.rybchinski@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 PM to 1:50 PM Course Description: HPER 100 is a course on general health and wellness. We will learn about physical fitness, nutrition, and wellness. We hope you take lessons learned in this class and use them for the rest of your life. You will learn how to asses, develop, and implement a complete lifetime fitness and wellness program and its components. The course is designed to incorporate the ideas through lectures and activity. You will not be forced to do anything you do not feel comfortable with while we are doing the Physical Activities. Pre-/Co-requisites: None Course Objectives: To educate and engage the student in activities that will enable him/her to make positive lifestyle choices, based on self-responsibility that will prepare the student to meet the demands of life. To have fun in a safe and caring learning environment. Textbook(s): Fit & Well (Fahey, Insel, Roth) Course Requirements: o Textbook – Fit & Well (Fahey, Insel, Roth) o Attire – Proper clothing for activities o Attendance (3 unexcused absences will affect your grade.) o Exams o Course work and Lab activities General Education Goals/Objectives: Goal 6 – to promote the management and use of physical activity Goal 9 – to develop lifelong learning skills Relationship to Campus Theme: We will use modern technology in various fitness tests. We will also do some activities outside to encourage the Nature theme. Classroom Policies: Please turn cell phones off. Participate in class discussions. Please attend all lectures and activities. Hand in all coursework and exams. Be on time. Activity Days: You will be expected to do physical activity on the days assigned. This will be on your own and it may be done is class as well. These dates are a part of the class. Academic Integrity: Please do your own work on tests, quizzes and assignments. Disabilities and Special Needs: Please see Instructor if you have any disabilities and/or special needs. We try making arrangements so the whole class can participate in the activities we do. Other: Please email, call, or stop by my office if you have any problems/questions with the class. I look forward to being your instructor. Any announcements about class will go through the Campus Student Email Policy.