Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Course : NUTR 240 Principles of nutrition Credit Hours : 3 credits Course Description: Course content includes the science and application of nutrition, nutrition interventions in chronic and acute illness, promoting health and wellness throughout the life span, and national nutrition concerns. Course Content: In this introductory nutrition course you will explore the newest frontiers in nutrition and learn how to apply nutrition principles to your own food choices. Solidly based on science, this course will help you to understand how key nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, water and minerals) affect health, disease, energy balance, and weight control. You'll learn how nutrition needs change throughout the life span and you'll explore such global issues as alcohol, weight management, nutrition & fitness, food safety, food technology, consumerism & sustainability, and world hunger. Prerequisite (s) : None Course Learning Objectives: After completing this nutrition course, you will be able to:  Interpret what the scientific facts tell us about nutrition and health  Understand why we eat what we eat  Explain the nutrition standards and guidelines  Describe the processes of digestion, absorption, and transport  Describe the major nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and their roles in the body  Understand the concepts of energy balance and weight control  Recognize the relationship between physical fitness, health, and nutrition  Explain the relationship between diet and health  Describe the nutritional needs at various stages of the life cycle  Understand the basic principles of food safety  Recognize the growing problem of hunger in the global economy  Instructor Information:  Lori Slaubaugh, MSN, RN  4341 69 th St NE  Wolford, ND 58385  Email: Lori.Slaubaugh@dakotacollege.edu  Phone: 701-208-0230 Lecture Schedule : Class meets completely online. Technology Required : High speed internet access Principles of Nutrition NUTR 240