Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

1 | P a g e ECON 202: PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE INFORMATION ECON 202: Principles of Macroeconomics, 3 credits, IVN, 11:00 M,W,F, PS #18310 Course Description: Analysis of aggregate levels of income and employment, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy, economic growth and development, international finance, and comparative economic systems. INSTRUCTOR Matt Peterson, #115C Stevens Hall, 701-774-4280, matthew.s.peterson@willistonstate.edu Office Hours: M,W,F 2 - 3 PM, T,TH 10 – 11 AM The easiest way to get a hold of me is through email. You can either use the above email address (by using your school-issued address) or the Course Mail feature through Blackboard. I can be reached by phone at the above number, but email is still best as I check it very often, including off-campus. Students should generally expect a response time of less than 12 hours for emails. I am in my office very often, so feel free to call during office hours or any other time that works for you. Also, feel free set up a meeting time with me if you want to talk at a specific time. TEXTBOOK & MATERIALS All required resources for this class are free, open to use, and will be available on Blackboard. A standalone calculator is recommended for easier completion of computational-based problems. Although we won’t follow a textbook specifically, we will use the following electronic textbook for some assignments:  Principles of Macroeconomics , 2nd edition, by Greenlaw, Shapiro, and Taylor, ISBN# 1- 947172-39-5 Arts & Human Sciences Dpt. | Spring 2019 Chair: Kim Weismann, 701-774-4503