Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

ACCT200 Elements of Accounting I - Belgarde Minot 2
ACCT200 Elements of Accounting I - Rodacker online 5
ACCT215 Business in the Legal Environment - Wachtfogel 7
AGRI242 Advance Farm Management Education - Armstrong 13
AH134 Medical Disorders - McDaniel online 15
AH136 Clinical Procedures - Clemens online 19
AH138 Basic Procedure Coding - Hauf online 24
AH139 Basic Diagnosis Coding - Aboutar online 27
AH142 Intermediate Coding I - Aboutar online 30
AH143 Practical Applications in Coding II - Aboutar online 33
AH222 Medical Transcription I - Gage online 36
Syllabus: AH222 - Medical Transcription I 36
AH231 Healthcare Law and Ethics - Clemens online 38
AH266 Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests - Williams online 40
AH287 Computer Applications in Healthcare - McDaniel online 43
ART110 Introduction to Visual Art - Saunders online 47
ART210 Art History I - Moss MWF 52
ART210 Art History I - Moss TuTh 57
ASC087 College Writing Prep - Albrightson 62
ASC088 Composition Lab - Albrightson 67
ASC088 Composition Lab - Porter 70
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Conn MWF 10AM Minot 76
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Conn MWF 9AM Minot 84
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Remick Valley 92
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Schneider online 95
ASC88 Composition Lab - Conn W 12PM Minot 98
ASC88 Composition Lab - Conn W 2PM Minot 106
ASC88 Composition Lab - Schneider online 114
ASC91 Algebra Prep I - Chisholm 1st8wks 117
ASC91 Algebra Prep I - Chisholm online 121
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Chisholm 1st8wks 124
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Chisholm 2nd8wks 128
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Chisholm online 132
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Johnson 135
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Chisholm 2nd8wks 139
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Chisholm online 143
ASC93 Algebra Prep III - Johnson 146
ASC94 Beginning Algebra - Joy Minot 150
BADM120 Introduction to Business - Gagnon 156
BADM201 Principles of Marketing - Keith 158
BADM201 Principles of Marketing - Keith online 165
BADM202 Management - Keith online 169
BADM210 Advertising - Keith 173
BADM210 Advertising I - Fixen online 181
BADM213 Public Relations - Keith online 184
BADM214 Entertainment Marketing - Keith 188
BADM240 Sales - Keith 194
BADM260 Principles of Retailing - Belgarde 200
BADM297 Co-op Ed Advertising and Marketing - Keith 205
BIOL111 Concepts of Biology - Hahka 207
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Biology 111 207
BIOL115 Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology - Bartholomay 212
BIOL115 Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology - Joy online 216
BIOL124 Environmental Science - Bartholomay online 219
BIOL150 General Biology I - Hahka 222
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Biology 150 222
Tentative Schedule for Biology 150: 225
Topics covered in lecture/lab 225
Type 225
Date 225
Week 225
Scientific method, chemistry of life, water 225
Lecture 225
August 20-24 225
1 225
No lab this week 225
Lab 225
Large biological molecules 225
Lecture 225
August 27-31 225
2 225
Microscopy 225
Lab 225
Prokaryotes and archaea 225
Lecture 225
September 3-7 225
3 225
Osmosis and diffusion 225
Lab 225
*Labor Day September 3rd – no class 225
Eukaryotic cell structure and function 225
Lecture 225
September 10-14 225
4 225
Chemistry of life 225
Lab 225
Friday September 14th during regular lecture hours 225
Exam 1 225
Membranes, endosymbiotic theory 225
Lecture 225
September 17-21 225
5 225
Eukaryotic cell structure and function 225
Lab 225
Sexual life cycles, tissues, and tissue organization 225
Lecture 225
September 24-28 225
6 225
Prokaryotic cell structure and function 225
Lab 225
Virus structure and function, viroids, prions 225
Lecture 225
October 1-5 225
7 225
Enzymes 225
Lab 225
Enzymes and metabolism 225
Lecture 225
October 8-12 225
8 225
Lab midterm exam/practical 1 225
Lab 225
Friday October 12th during regular lecture hours 225
Exam 2 225
Photosynthesis 225
Lecture 225
October 15-19 225
9 225
Photosynthesis 225
Lab 225
Respiration 225
Lecture 225
October 22-26 225
10 225
Respiration 225
Lab 225
Mitosis and Meiosis 225
Lecture 225
Oct. 29- Nov. 2 225
11 225
Mitosis and Meiosis 225
Lab 225
***Class student presentations all week*** 225
Lecture 225
November 5-9 225
12 225
Inheritance and probability 225
Lab 225
Protein synthesis 225
Lecture 225
November 12-16 225
13 225
Protein synthesis 225
Lab 225
Friday November 16th during regular lecture hours 225
Exam 3 225
Topics covered in lecture/lab 226
Type 226
Date 226
Week 226
Gene expression and regulation 226
Lecture 226
November 19-23 226
14 226
*Thanksgiving vacation—college closed Nov. 22 226
No lab this week 226
Lab 226
***Lab reports due Wednesday November 21st by 4 PM handed to me in my office*** 226
Inheritance 226
Lecture 226
November 26-30 226
15 226
Human Genetic Disorders 226
Lab 226
DNA technology, genetic engineering 226
Lecture 226
December 3-7 226
16 226
Lab final exam/practical 1 226
Lab 226
Wednesday December 12, 2018 226
17 226
Time: 3PM-5PM 226
Location: NSC 125 226
BIOL170 General Zoology - Datta 227
BIOL220 Anatomy and Physiology I - Datta 230
BIOL220 Anatomy and Physiology I - Datta online 236
BIOL220H Anatomy and Physiology I - Datta 240
BIOL221 Anatomy and Physiology II - Datta online 242
BIOL230 Ecology - Datta 246
BIOL230H Ecology - Datta 249
BOTE108 Business Math - Johnson 251
BOTE108 Business Math - Johnson online 254
BOTE147 Word Processing -Otoole online 257
BOTE209 Office Management - Jackson online 260
Syllabus 260
BOTE217 Records Management - Fixen online 264
BUSN170 Entrepreneurship - Fixen online 268
CARS102 Career Exploration - Halvorson 271
CARS102 Career Exploration - Halvorson online 275
CARS105 Job Search - Halvorson 279
CHEM115 Intro to Chem - Bartholomay 284
CHEM121 General Chemistry I - Bartholomay 287
CIS104 Microcomputer Database - Otoole 291
CIS180 Creating Web Pages - Nelson 294
CIS188 Application Design - Nelson 296
CIS211 Website Plan & Design - Nelson 299
CIS232 Graphics Design - Nelson 301
CIS235 Digital Video Basics - Nelson 303
COMM110 College Comp I - Porter 306
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Keith 314
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Keith online 322
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Porter 326
COMM110 FUndamentals of Public Speaking - Porter MWF 331
CSC101 Intro to Computers - Koapke 338
CSCI101 Intro to Computers - OToole TuTh 341
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers - Jackson online 344
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers - O'Toole MWF 10AM 348
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers - O'Toole MWF 11AM 351
EC210 Introduction to Early Childhood Education - Mills online 354
Course Description: 354
Relationship to Campus Theme: 354
Goals/Objectives: 354
Student Outcomes: 355
Course Requirements: 356
Weekly Readings. Each week consists of a section in which reading assignment from textbooks and/or articles, manuals, etc. This may also include websites. 356
EC213 Language and Literacy in ECE - Jackson online 359
EC236 Social.Emotional Development & Guidance - Mooney online 364
ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics - Peterson Williston 369
ECON201 Principles of Microeconomics - Bergan online 376
ECON202 Principles of Macroeconomics - Bergan online 387
EDUC220 Classroom Management - Mooney online 398
EDUC250 Intro to Education - Migler 401
EDUC250 Introduction to Education - Mills online 408
EDUC298 Intro to Education Practicum - Migler 414
EDUC298 Intro to Education Practicum - Mills online 418
ENGL110 College Composition I - Albrightson 423
ENGL110 College Composition I - Bjornson 427
ENGL110 College Composition I - Irey 430
ENGL110 College Composition I - Porter 432
ENGL110 College Composition I - Remick 440
ENGL110 College Composition I - Schneider online 442
ENGL110 English Comp I - Sokol MSU campus 446
ENGL120 College Composition II - Porter 451
ENGL120 College Composition II - Schneider online 457
ENGL125 Intro to Prof Writing Syllabus - Hansen online 461
ENGL220 Introduction to Literature - Hansen online 467
Types of Characters, Settings, and Writing About a Story 468
Allegory, Symbols, and Depth in Stories 468
Reading a Poem, Voice/Tone, Figures of Speech, and Writing About Poetry 468
Open Form, Definitions of Poetry, and Ars Poetica 468
Elements of a Play, Modes of Drama, Writing About a Play 468
The Modern Theatre, Realism, Naturalism, and Expressionism 468
ENGL221 Introduction to Drama - Albrightson 473
ENGL238 Children's Literature - Hansen online 476
ENGL261 American Literature I - Bjornson 481
ENGL262 American Literature II - Porter 484
Syllabus: American Literature II 485
Fall 2018 485
ENVT110 Introduction to GPS - Clemenson 492
FORS255 Urban Trees and Shrubs - MCleod online 494
FORS260 Parks and Urban Greenspaces - McLeod online 497
FORS265 Arboricultural Practices - Mcleod online 501
FWLD121 Intro to Wildlife & Fisheries Management - Datta 505
GEOL105 Physical Geology - Bartholomay online 508
GERO130 Intro to Human Services - Holben online 510
GERO297 Cooperative Education - Holben online 512
Course Description: Cooperative education provides the student majoring in Caregiver Services (GERO- Gerontology) with practical field experience in an off- campus service setting under the direct supervision of a qualified agency supervisor. 512
HIST103 US History to 1877 - Williamson online 515
HIST220 History of ND - Williamson online 521
HIST220 North Dakota History - Boone 525
Course Description: 528
Relationship to DCB’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values: 528
Relationship to Campus Theme: 528
General Education Goals/Objectives: 528
And Beyond 529
Course Objectives: 530
Course Requirements: 530
Participation 530
Critical Analysis: Primary Source Analysis (PSA) & Raw Assessment Writing (RAW) 531
In Class Evaluations (ICE) 531
Analytical Essay 531
Final Project 531
Extra Credit 531
Grading Chart 531
Grading Guidelines 532
Late Assignments 532
Textbook(s): 532
Classroom Policies: 532
Academic Integrity: 532
Audio and Video Recording 533
Grade Appeal 533
Laptops, Tablets, & Cell Phones 533
Learning Assistance 533
Learning Equity 533
Library Services 533
Student Complaints 534
Student Email Policy 534
Important Dates 534
Tentative Course Outline: 535
Introduction 535
Week 1: Introduction to the Course & Doing Dakota History 535
A Land of Wind and Water: North Dakota as a Historical Place 536
Week 2: From Prehistory to the Dakotas 536
Week 3: Native Americans in North Dakota 536
From Fur Trade to Conflict: Europeans Invade North Dakota 537
Week 4: The Fur Trade 537
Week 5: European and American Settlements 538
Week 6: Conflict & Conquest 539
Towards Statehood 540
Week 7: Homesteading 540
Week 8: Statehood Movement 540
Week 9: Statehood 541
Becoming North Dakota 542
Week 10: Plains Folk 542
Week 11: Progressivism in North Dakota 543
Week 12: Socialism in North Dakota 544
A Modern North Dakota 544
Week 13: North Dakota during the Great Depression and WWII 544
Week 14: The Cold War on Northern Plains 545
Week 15: The Modern North Dakota 546
Today’s North Dakota & Finals Prep 547
Week 16: North Dakota in 2010s 547
FINAL: Wednesday December 12 from 3:00-5:00 pm 547
Appendix 548
Appendix 1: Plotting Your Course 548
Appendix 2: Rubric for Group Discussions and Presentations 550
Appendix 3: Primary Source Analysis Worksheet 551
Appendix 4: Secondary Source Analysis Worksheet 552
Appendix 5: Secondary Source Questions 553
Appendix 6: Interactive Lecture Notes: Reno Review 554
Appendix 7: Interactive Lecture Notes: PSAs 555
Bibliography 557
Textbooks: 557
Overviews: 557
Prehistory 557
Native Americans 557
Native Americans – Films 559
Native Americans – Primary Source 559
Traders, Pioneers, and Settlers 559
Traders, Pioneers, and Settlers - Primary Source 560
Modern State: 561
HORT121 Introduction to Aquaponics - Knudson Online 562
HORT122 Aquaponics Production - Knudson 565
HORT176 Cactus and Succulent ID - Koehler 567
HORT182 Specialty Crop Farming - Knudson 570
HORT221 Aquaponics Managment I - Knudson 573
HORT243 Good Agriculture Practices - Knudson 576
See Resources Section online 576
HORT246 Composting - Knudson 579
Textbook(s): Compost Production and Utilization: A Growers’ Guide by Mark Van Horn 579
HORT285 Specialty Crop Practicum I - Knudson 581
HPER 110 Sports Officiating - Smith 584
HPER100 Concepts of Wellness and Fitness - Rybchinski 586
HPER101 Activity Running - Kvasnicka-Gates 1st8wks 588
HPER101 Activity Weight Training - Rybchinski 591
HPER101 Canoeing - Rybchinski 593
HPER150 Varsity Athletics, Football - Davis 595
HPER210 First Aid - Williams 597
HPER210 First Aid.CPR - Williams online 599
HPER217 Personal and Community Health - Davis 601
HPER250 Varsity Athletics, Football - Davis 603
HPER250 Varsity Athletics, Hockey - Rybchinski 605
HPER297 Phys Ed - Rybchinski 607
MATH103 College Algebra - Deichert 608
MATH103 College Algebra - Johnson 613
MATH103 College Algebra - Richman 616
MATH103 College Alrebra - Chisholm 621
MATH104 Finite Math - Richman online 625
MATH107 PreCalc - Johnson 629
MATH107 PreCalculus - Johnson 632
MATH210 Elementary Statistics - Schlosser 635
MATH210 Elementary Stats - Chisholm online 637
MATH277 Math for Elementary Teachers 1 - Johnson 643
MATH277 Math for Elementary Teachers I - Johnson 646
MATH277 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I - Richman online 649
MATH278 Math for Elementary Teachers II - Richman online 653
MUSC207 History of Popular.Rock Music -Boone 657
Course Description: 660
Relationship to DCB’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values: 660
Relationship to Campus Theme: 660
General Education Goals/Objectives: 660
And Beyond 661
Course Objectives: 662
Course Requirements: 662
Participation 662
Critical Analysis: Primary Source Analysis (PSA) & Raw Assessment Writing (RAW) 662
In Class Evaluations (ICE) 663
Analytical Essay 663
Final Project 663
Extra Credit 663
Grading Chart 663
Grading Guidelines 664
Late Assignments 664
Textbook(s): 664
Classroom Policies: 664
Academic Integrity: 664
Audio and Video Recording 665
Grade Appeal 665
Laptops, Tablets, & Cell Phones 665
Learning Assistance 665
Learning Equity 665
Library Services 665
Student Complaints 666
Student Email Policy 666
Important Dates 666
Tentative Course Outline: 667
Introduction 667
Week 1: Introduction to the Course & Doing Music History 667
The Roots of Rock-n-Roll, 1900-1955 668
Week 2: America’s Popular Music 668
Week 3: America’s Folk Music and the Baby Boom 668
The Birth of Rock-n-Roll, 1950s and 1960s 669
Week 4: Rock and Roll Enters the American Consciousness 669
Week 5: Rock and Rock Goes Commercial 670
Week 6: Soulsters and Rockabilly 671
Rock Takes Over the Airwaves: Rock-n-Roll in the 1960s and 1970s 672
Week 7: Here Come the Beatles 672
Week 8: The Roots of Rock and Roll Reinvented 673
Week 9: Motown Pop, Southern Grit, and the Funk 674
Artistry and Disruption: Rock-n-Roll in the 1970s and 1980s 675
Week 10: Rock and Roll Experiments 675
Week 11: Musical Disruptions 676
Week 12: Musical Explosions 677
Alternative to What? Rock-n-Roll in the 1990s and 2000s 678
Week 13: The Underground Sees the Light 678
Week 14: All Kinds of Rock 679
Week 15: Rock Goes Digital 679
Rock-n-Roll in the 2010s 680
Week 16: The Present State of Rock Music 680
Appendix 681
Appendix 1: Plotting Your Course 681
Appendix 2: Rubric for Group Discussions and Presentations 683
Appendix 3: Primary Source Analysis Worksheet 684
Appendix 4: Primary Source Questions for Music 685
Appendix 5: Secondary Source Analysis Worksheet 686
Appendix 6: Secondary Source Questions 687
Appendix 7: Interactive Lecture Notes: Reno Review 688
Appendix 8: Interactive Lecture Notes: PSAs 689
NURS120 Foundations of Nursing - Bina 691
NURS121 Practical Nursing I - Geyer 697
Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience™ (DCE) 702
For registration and purchase 702
Login page: http://app.shadowhealth.com 703
Technical requirements 703
Shadow Health Support: 703
NURS121 Practical Nursing I - Romfo 704
Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience™ (DCE) 709
For registration and purchase 709
Login page: http://app.shadowhealth.com 710
Technical requirements 710
Shadow Health Support: 710
NURS122 Clinical Practice - Romfo 711
NURS122 Clinical Practice I - Burke 718
NURS224 Professional Role Development - Vadal 725
NURS225 Alterations in Health I - Paulson 730
NURS226 Maternal Child Nursing - Tykwinski 736
NURS227 Clinical Applications I - Romfo 742
NUTR240 Principles of Nutrition - Indvik 750
PHOT150 Digital Darkroom - Saunders hybrid 753
PHOT150 Digital Darkroom - Vorenkamp online 764
PHOT180 Photography I - Saunders hybrid 774
PHOT180 Photography I - Vorenkamp online 785
PHOT190 Principles of Lighting - Saunders hybrid 795
PHOT190 Principles of Lighting - Vorenkamp online 805
PHOT192 Photo Practicum I - Saunders hybrid 815
PHOT193 Photo Practicum II - Saunders hybrid 823
PHOT210 Intermediate Photography - Saunders hybrid 831
PHOT210 Intermediate Photography - Vorenkamp online 841
PHOT232 Advertising Photography - Vorenkamp online 850
PHOT234 Portrait Photography - Saunders hybrid 860
PHOT234 Portrait Photography - Vorenkamp online 871
PHOT240 Outdoor Photography - Saunders hybrid 882
PHOT240 Outdoor Photography - Vorenkamp online 893
PHOT285 Conceptual Photogarphy - Vorenkamp online 904
PHOT287 Documentary Photography - Saunders hybrid 914
PHOT287 Documentary Photography - Vorenkamp online 924
PHOT289 Photography Portfolio - Saunders hybrid 934
PHOT289 Photography Portfolio - Vorenkamp online 944
PHOT292 Photo Practicum III - Saunders hybrid 953
PHOT293 Photo Practicum IV - Saunders online 961
PHOT293 Photo Practicum IV - Vorenkamp online 970
PHOT296 Study Abroad Outdoor Photography - Saunders 980
PHOTO232 Advertising Photography - Saunders hybrid 988
PHOTO285 Conceptual Photography - Saunders hybrid 999
PHRM215 Intro to Pharmacology - McDaniel online 1009
PLSC210 Hort Science - Koehler 1014
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus 1014
Phone: 1015
Email: amy.koehler@dakotacollege.edu 1015
Textbook(s): Recommended not Required 1015
Course Requirements: 1015
Week Two and Three 1016
Week Four 1016
Week Six 1016
Week Seven 1016
Week Eight and Nine 1017
Week Ten 1017
Week Eleven 1017
Week Twelve 1017
Hourly Exam Chapters during Week 13 on Weeks 10-12 1017
Week Sixteen 1017
Week Seventeen 1017
PSYC100 Human Relations in Organizations - Belgarde 1018
PSYC100 Human Relations in Organizations - Gagnon 1021
PSYC111 Intro to Psych - Kvasnicka-Gates MWF 1024
PSYC111 Intro to Psych - Kvasnicka-Gates MWF 11am 1028
PSYC111 Intro to Psych - Kvasnicka-Gates MWF Dual Credit 1032
PSYC111 Intro to Psych - Kvasnicka-Gates TuTh 1036
PSYC111 Introduction to Psychology - Lopez online 1040
PSYC111H Honors Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates 1045
PSYC250 Developmental Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates online 1048
PSYC270 Abnormal Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates online 1053
PSYC280 Introduction to Health Psychology - Kvasnicka-Gates online 1057
Course Requirements: 1058
Total: 350 points 1058
RLS110 Foundations of Rec - Niesar online 1062
RLS210 Environmental Education - Niesar online 1065
RLS288 Accessibility and Public Policy in Leisure Services Holben online 1068
RLS290 Intro to Inclusive Rec - Holben online 1074
SOC110 Intro to Sociology - Garcia online 1076
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology 1076
3 semester hour credits 1076
SOC251 Gerontology - Garcia online 1081
SOC 251 Gerontology 1081
SOIL210 Introduction to Soil Science - Bartholomay 1085
SPED101 Intro to Dev Disabilities - Mooney online 1088
SPED101 Intro to Developmental Disabialities - Migler 1093
TOUR212 Principles of Tourism - Niesar online 1100
UNIV 105 First Year Experience - MacDonald 1103
UNIV101 Leadership Through Service - Belgarde 1105
UNIV105 First Year Experience - Gagnon 1107
UNIV105 First Year Experience - Gagnon W 1109
UNIV105 First Year Experience - Hauf online 1111
UNIV110 College Study Skills - Moss 1115
UNIV110 College Study Skills - Remick 1118
UNIV110 Study Skills - Gagnon 1121