Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Univ 110- College Study Skills Syllabus-Fall 2018 W 8-8:50 Instructor: Melissa Remick (218)760-7778 melissa.remick@vcsu.edu Office & Hours: MCF 136 : feel free to stop by any morning from 8:30-9am, T&R after 2pm and any other time by appointment Course Description: This 1 credit course emphasizes learning skills that are essential for success in college work. includes study techniques, goal setting, memory and concentration, information literacy, time management, learning styles, note taking, critical thinking, reading, civility, and other techniques for improving student performance. Course Objectives: Students will be able to o Learn time management and organizational skills o Understand library resources o Apply successful test taking strategies o Develop effective strategies to better utilize class time o Analyze and apply individual learning styles o Work in an online learning environment for greater college success o Analyze and apply critical thinking techniques o Learn effective communication within the college setting Relationship to Campus Theme: At Dakota College Bottineau the campus theme is “Nature Technology and Beyond”. In this course we will be looking at how to utilize technologies that will increase your success as a student at DCB and where ever your educational goals take you. Course Work & Grading Scale: There is no specific textbook assigned in this class. We will be using Blackboard to submit assignments and to access various online resources.