Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

CSCI 101 Syllabus–2018 Fall—Page 1 Dakota College at Bottineau  CSCI 101 Introduction to Computers, Course Syllabus  Course Prefix/Number/Title: CSCI 101 Introduction to Computers  Instructor: Phil Koapke  Email: Phil.Koapke@ndus.edu   Lecture/Lab Schedule: MWF 12:00‐12:50 p.m.  Text:  ISBN‐13: 9781305876026, Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016: 1st Edition  Pre/Co‐requisites: None  Course Description: This course provides students with an overview of general hardware and software issues  such as terminology and environments. The focus on the use of application software includes word processing,  spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software.  Course Objectives:    Students will learn the fundamentals of Office 2016 and demonstrate abilities by completing a variety of  tasks and exams.   To expose students to practical examples of the computer as a useful tool.   To acquaint students with the proper procedures to create documents, worksheets, databases, and  presentations suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal use   To help students discover the underlying functionality of Office 2016 so that they can become more  productive   To develop an exercise‐oriented approach that allows learning by doing   To encourage independent study  General Education Goals/Objectives:  DCB General Ed. Goal #2  Relationship to Campus Theme:  Technology:   The course focuses on knowledge and application of technology.  Objective 1:   Completes assignments using appropriate application software.  Skill: 1. Creates, edits, and formats a word processing document  2. Creates edits, and formats a slide show presentation  3. Creates, edits, and formats a spreadsheet application  Course Outline: Material will be presented in the form of lecture and demonstration. Course material will be  posted on Blackboard in addition to readings, assignments, announcements and important dates & deadlines.  Students are advised to regularly consult the Blackboard site for this course.  Student Email Policy: Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of  communication. A student’s campus‐assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for  official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email  rests with the student. You must set up your Dakota College at Bottineau campus email account for this class.