Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Course requirements consist of class participation, assignments, quizzes, and exams. All assignments will be turned in through Blackboard. All PowerPoint notes are available in Blackboard. Grade Weighting 4 exams @ 100 points each: 400 points Research assignment (census): 25 points In-class videos and Questions (3 at 25 pts) 75 points You bought what? 100 points Product Creation assignment: 200 points Participation: 75 points Total: 875 points Grading Scale Tentative Course Outline 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Less than 60% F Date Planned Activities August 21 W1 Start to Class Introduction, syllabus, student introductions. August 23 W1 Lecture, chapter 1 August 28 W2 Lecture chapter 2