Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

ACCT215 Business in the Legal Environment - Ackerman online 2
AH134 Medical Disorders - McDaniel online 9
AH138 Basic Procedure Coding - Hauf online 12
AH139 Basic Diagnosis Coding - Aboutar online 15
AH142 Practical Applications in Coding I - Aboutar online 18
AH143 Practical Applications in Coding II - Aboutar online 21
AH171 Medical Terminolgy - Slaubaugh online 24
AH222 Medical Transcription I - Gage online 26
AH266 Lab & Diagnostic Tests - Williams online 28
AH287 Computer Applications in Health Care - McDaniel online 30
ASC87 College Writing Prep - Schneider online 34
ASC88 Comp Lab - Schneider online 37
ASC91 Algebra Prep - Chisholm online 40
ASC92 Algebra Prep II - Chisholm online 43
ASC93 algebra Prep III - Chisholm online 46
BIOL115 Human Structure and Function - Joy online 49
BIOL220 Anatomy & Physiology I - Datta online 52
BIOL221 Anatomy & Physiology II - Datta online 56
BOTE108 Business Math - Johnson online 60
BOTE147 Word Processing - O'Toole online 63
BOTE152 Keyboarding II - Larson online 66
BOTE247 Spreadsheet Applications - O'Toole online 69
BUSN170 Entrepreneurship - Fixen online 72
CIS104 Microcomputer Database - O'Toole online 75
COMM110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Keith online 78
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers - Jackson online 82
ECON201 Principles of Microeconomics - Bergan online 86
ECON202 Principles of Macroeconomics - Bergan online 97
EDUC101 Intro to Paraeducation - Migler online 108
ENGL110 College Composition I - Schneider online 112
ENGL120 College Composition II - Schneider online 115
ENGL125 Introduction to Professional Writing - Hansen online 118
ENGL220 Introduction to Literature - Hansen online 124
ENGL238 Children's Literature - Hansen online 130
ENVT144 Basic Contracts & Agreements - Ackerman online 135
FORS250 Diseases of Trees & Shrubs - Underwood online 139
GEOL105 Physical Geology - Bartholomay online 143
HIST104 US History Since 1877 - Williamson 146
HORT121 Introduction to Aquaponics - Knudson 151
HORT122 Production Aquaponics - Knudson 154
HORT243 Good Agricultural Practices - Knudson 156
HORT282 Garden Planning - Knudson 159
HPER100 Concepts of Wellness & Fitness - Kauffman online 161
HPER210 First Aid - Williams online 163
MATH103 College Algebra - Blair online 165
Welcome to College Algebra Online Summer 2018 165
Free Online Tutoring! 169
Math104 Finite Math - Richman online 171
NURS126 Clinical Practice III - Romfo online 174
NURS129 Practical Nursing III - Romfo online 181
NUTR240 Principles of Nurition - Slaubaugh online 187
PHRM215 Intro to Pharmacology - McDaniel online 189
PSYC100 Human Relations in Organizations - Belgarde online 194
PSYC111 Intro to Psych - Lopez online 197
PSYC250 Developmental Psych - Kvasnicka-Gates online 202
RLS110 Foundations of Recreation - Niesar online 207
SOC110 Intro to Sociology - Garcia online 210
OC 110 Introduction to Sociology 210
3 semester hour credits 210
SOC251 Gerontology - Garcia online 215
SOC 251 Gerontology 215
UNIV105 First Year Experience - Hauf online 219
UNIV110 College Study Skills - Moss online 223