DCB Strategic Plan

DCB Strategic Plan 2015-2020 5 | P a g e Explore options for offering BAS degrees in Natural Resources on the DCB campus. Larry Brooks, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs; Jerry Migler, Campus Dean Fall, 2020 DCB students have options for completing a BAS degree on the Bottineau campus. OBJECTIVE 2.4 GOAL CHAMPION(S) EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE MEASURABLE OUTCOME PROGRESS Articulate an agreement with Burdick Job Corps Center, Minot, ND, that will provide a transfer for students graduating from the Center into Dakota College at Bottineau’s career/technical and general education options. Penny Belgarde and Administration of Burdick Job Corps Center Fall, 2020 Articulation agreements have been written. Students begin to transfer to DCB by the fall semester, 2020. 5/1/19 - Articulation agreements have been written, waiting for final approval by BJCCC. OBJECTIVE 2.5 GOAL CHAMPION(S) EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE MEASURABLE OUTCOME Develop and implement LEAP (Leading to Education and Advanced Preparation) program for high school students enrolled in dual credit courses Kayla O’Toole, Director of Distance Education Spring of 2019 Have eight to ten students enrolled in and graduated from the program at the end of the Spring 2019 semester. Strategies in place to provide academic advising to LEAP students. 5/15/2018 – Currently, nine students are enrolled and six high schools are participating. Seven students completed LEAP in spring, 2018. 5/1/19 – 26 students enrolled during 2018-2019. 18 completed LEAP in spring, 2019.