Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

2 Discussion:  16 Weekly Discussions, 25 points each = 400 points  Chicago Citation Exercise = 25 points  Primary Source Exercise = 25 points  Structuring an Argument Exercise =25 points  Crafting a Thesis Exercise = 25 points  Total: 500 Points The heart of this course is participation. The weekly discussion fora have four purposes:  To explore and analyze the readings.  To build the skills required to craft and support an argument.  To build writing skills.  To teach students how to thrive in a professional digital community. Essay Project Assignment: ◦ Thesis Statement = 25 points ◦ Essay Draft = 75 points ◦ Final Essay = 100 points ◦ Total: 200 points Optional Extra Credit Paper = 50 bonus points. Essay is thesis-based, 1,000 words at minimum. Students will provide papers that are polished and free of typos and grammatical errors. There will be abundant opportunity in the Weekly Discussion Boards to fix grammatical problems. Students will select one of the available topic options and will use primary source evidence and the text book to support an argument. Please refer to "Essay Project Assignment" for complete instructions. Total points available = 1,000 points 90-100% = 900-1,000 points = A 80-90% = 800-899 points = B 70-80% = 700-799 points = C 60-70% = 600-699 points = D <59% = <599 points = F No Incompletes will be given.