Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Academic Integrity: Policy on Plagiarism: Plagiarism can be defined as representing someone else’s ideas, language, or material as your own. In today’s digital world, it is all too easy for students to copy and paste others’ ideas into their work. Doing so will result in plagiarism. Anytime another’s ideas, language, or created material is used in your work, you need to cite the source, whether you’ve used a direct quotation, a paraphrase, or a summary. Work must be cited both in-text and on a Works Cited page. Accidental plagiarism resulting from a misuse of source material and citing guidelines will be given an opportunity for correction. Intentional plagiarism (where a student uses whole phrases, sentences, paragraphs, or other material from a source with no attempt at citation) will receive severe penalties, which could include failing the paper or potentially failing the course for Academic Dishonesty. Academic Dishonesty would include (but is not limited to) the following: • Turning in someone else’s work as your own (ex. another student’s work) • Taking anything from the internet or other sources without citing it • Copying or buying papers from online sources and turning them in as your own • Submitting research reports that are not based on research (made up) All assignments, quizzes, exams, and papers will meet the standards of accepted academic integrity. Disabilities and Special Needs: Students with disabilities or special needs must inform the instructor of those needs as soon as possible. Syllabus is adapted, with permission, from existing DCB course syllabi.