Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Course Requirements: Course requirements consist of written revised essays, short written works, class discussion, quizzes, peer revision, major tests. Grading will be based on a combination of written work, quizzes, class activities, midterm test and final test. Students must have a grade average of 60% and satisfactorily complete the three formal papers to receive credit. Relationship to Campus Theme: Students will read and discuss Coyote Warrior: One Man, Three Tribes, and the Trial That Forged a Nation as it relates to nature, technology, and humanity. Classroom Policies: Grading: 1/3 revised essays 1/3 quizzes, short written pieces, other activities or assignments 1/3 midterm and final Academic Integrity: All assignments, tests, and quizzes will meet the standards of accepted Academic Integrity. Campus Email Policy Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Disabilities and Special Needs: Students with disabilities or special needs must inform the instructor of those needs as soon as possible .