Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

EDUC 260 Educational Psychology Tanya R. Mooney, M.Ed. Online Syllabus Dakota College at Bottineau Disabilities and Special Needs Please inform the instructor within the first week of classes if any assistance is required due to disabilities or special needs. If you have a disability for which you need an accommodation, contact the Learning Center to request disability support services. Phone: (701)228-5477; Toll-free: 1(888)918-5623 Quality of Work At the college level of learning, it is expected that all work submitted is free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Participation in the course is expected and taken into account when determining course grades. Discussion and information must be thought-out, in-depth and incorporate new vocabulary and concepts learned during the course. Due Dates Each week begins on a Monday contains a list of readings and work to complete. All reading and assignments must be completed and submitted by Sunday at midnight. However, original discussion posts are due by midnight on Wednesdays to allow other classmates to reply and engage in substantive discussion. Late work is accepted for partial credit, a few late grades can drop the course grade drastically so please submit work on time . Late work will NOT be accepted after week 14.