Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

The student is responsible for completing all coursework by the assigned due dates, even if other activities conflict. The student is strongly encouraged to utilize the email tool within Blackboard for communication with the instructor. The tool automatically “cc’s” the student with a copy of the email sent. Designated assignments are DUE at the date/time that is listed on Blackboard, unless otherwise noted/changed by the instructor. Any assignments submitted more than one calendar day late may receive no credit. Acceptance of late assignments, tests, or quizzes for partial credit is at the sole discretion of the instructor. Example: If you submit your assignment at 1:00 am and it was due at 11:59 pm on the prior evening, it may be considered late. The instructor reserves the right to make exceptions for unusual circumstances, on a case-by- case basis, and the instructor’s decision is final. The instructor is generally more lenient when prior arrangements have been made. Academic Honesty: It is expected students will submit their own work at all times. Copying and/or submitting another’s work is not allowed. Providing completed work to other students is also prohibited. Example: submitting another’s homework as your own is not allowed Example 2: copying a paper from the Internet and submitting portions of it as your own work is not allowed First offense – the student receives a zero for the assignment. Second offense – the student receives an “F” for the course and campus administration is notified. Blackboard: Blackboard will be used as a tool to post course material and assignments. Assignments must be turned in to the instructor as noted. The official grade book will be maintained in Blackboard. The course can be accessed by going to the LRSC website: www.lrsc.edu Click on Resource Center, then LRSC Online Campus Login into your course with the same credentials as Campus Connection (NDUS Sign In Page) For assistance, see the LRSC Website or call: http://www.lrsc.edu/lrsc-services/computer-services