Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Tentative Course Outline: Topic Reading Assignment Week 1- Introduction and Overview Introduction & Chapter #1 Week 2- Human Population Growth Chapter #2 Week 3- The Biosphere Chapter #3 Week 4- Distribution of Life, Earth Dynamics Chapter #4,5 Exam Chapters 1-5 Week 5- People and Natural Resources Chapter #6,7 Week 6- Fundamentals of energy, Renewable/Alternative Energy Chapter #8 Week 7- Renewable/ Alternate Energy Chapter #9 Week 8- Water Resources, Mineral Resources Chapter #9 Week 9: Mineral Resources Chapter #10 Exam Chapters 6-10 Week 10: Conserving Biological Resources Chapter #11 Week 11: Land Resources and Management Chapter #12 Week 12:Food and Soil Resources Chapter #13 Exam Chapters #11-13 Week 13: Principles of Pollution Chapter #14 Week 14: Water Pollution Chapter #15 Week 15: Global Air Pollution Chapter #16-17 Week 16: Waste Management, Environmental Economy Chapter #18-19 Final Exam Chapters #14-19 General Education Goals/Objectives: 1. Demonstrates the application of the scientific method of inquiry, associated technology and critical thinking/analysis skills. 2. Identify the processes of the natural environment and their impact. 3. Apply scientific information and principles to everyday life. Relationship to Campus Theme: A greater understanding of the Earth, Earth’s resources and its companions in the solar system will lead to a greater respect for the environment. Components of technology will lead to this understanding. Students will explore career options for their future. Classroom Policies: All work must be done in a timely fashion. All assignments are open and have due dates. If you miss a deadline for a quiz or exam, and wish to make it up let me know so I can Open it for you, missed quizzes and exams will be worth 70%. All make-up work must be completed within one week. Student Email Policy: Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected, any violations is sufficient grounds for immediate failure and removal from class. Disabilities and Special Needs: Any student who has a disability that may prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should contact the disability services: Jacalyn Migler 228-567 2 jacalyn.migler@dakotacollege.edu to discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate his or her educational opportunities.