Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

toward one another in social situations. Instructor: Amy Lopez Office: Online. You may post questions in the Virtual Office in the online classroom. These will be visible to all students. Use the eMail tool within the online course to communicate with the instructor privately. Office Hours: Course eMail messages will be checked daily, Monday through Friday. If you have a technical problem, contact the Distance Education office by calling 1- 701-228-5623 or 1-888-918-5623 (toll-free). Class Schedule: Online Textbook: Weiten, Wayne. Psychology: Themes & Variations. 9 th ed. Order by e-mail: janeen.pollman@dakotacollege.edu or Order by calling: 701-228-5458 Course Requirements: There are weekly deadlines for completing assignments. Discussion Forums: Each week, you will have one or more discussion forums (one for each chapter.) For each forum, you will need to post one answer to a question, two replies to other students’ answers, and two replies to students who have replied to you. Forums will close on Sunday nights at 11:45 p.m. Central Time. If you wait until Sunday night to post your answer, other students will not have time to reply to you, and you will not have time to reply to them, resulting in a loss of points for you. So please, make the discussion