Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

• Actively participate regularly in class discussions through consistent, punctual, prepared and interested attendance. • Submit graded assignments by dates posted on the course calendar. On each assignment, you must show ALL YOUR WORK for full credit. If you do not show work, but simply state your answer, you will receive NO credit for the assignment. It is unfair to selectively grant extensions to some students and not others. Therefore, late assignments are not accepted. Addendums to this rule include medical and/or prior approval from the instructor. A zero will be given for any assignment not turned in by the deadline. • During the course of the semester, if you are experiencing any problems (family difficulties, sick relatives, etc.) that are affecting your academic performance, you must inform me of such problems ASAP if you want me to take them into consideration. The sooner I know about a problem, the more understanding I will be. If you come to me during the last week of the semester, before grades are about to be assigned to discuss difficulties which have affected you throughout the term, you will find that I am not nearly as understanding and that I can do very little to help you with your grade. • Read assignments as provided by instructor. • Do ungraded, independent practice exercises. • Submit assigned problems as pdf or jpeg files. • Complete graded quizzes/tests after each chapter(s). Course Objectives/Student Outcomes: The student will be introduced to the topics above which require certain techniques for solutions. We will develop ideas and methods for applying these techniques leading to a solution or resolution of the question. During the course, the student will be exposed to the use and application of the graphing calculator in the appropriate areas. Students will be able to do the following: • Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions. • Work with equations and inequalities. • Work with complex numbers. • Work with rational and polynomial expressions. • Will be successful in working with exponential and logarithmic functions. • To solve systems of linear equations. • Create and use matrices to solve systems of equations. Relationship to Campus Theme: The course addresses the campus theme by exploring real world applications of mathematics in economics, behavioral, social and life science.