Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

EDUC 250 INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION Kaley Mills Fall 2018 DAKOTA COLLEGE BOTTINEAU Class Policies:  Regular participation  Regular attendance (Lack of logging in and participation will effective final grade)  Complete all assignments, discussions, tests and quizzes in a timely manner and in the order they are assigned.  Communication with instructor and fellow students  Be prepared when class starts.  Follow campus ethics policy on written work.  Campus Issued Email be used as primary email. Goals/Objectives: Upon completion of this course, student will be able to: - Identify different learning styles of students - Identify the laws concerning disabilities and special needs - Explore classroom management issues - Explain the requirements of No Child Left Behind - Explore student assessment at local, state and national levels - Identify the impact of diverse student populations on teaching and instructional strategies - Discuss communication issues among teachers, students, staff, parents and administration Student Outcomes: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the: CEC Standard Evidence/Criteria Basic educational terminology regarding students, programs, roles and instructional activities SEP1K2 Education Terminology; Philosophy of Education Rights and Responsibilities of families and children as they relate to individual learning needs SEP3K1 Advice Column Basic instructional and remedial strategies and materials SEP4K1 Lesson Plan #2; Differentiation Project Demands of various learning environments SEP5K1 Classroom Set-up Characteristics of appropriate communication with stakeholders SEP6K1 Family Case Studies; Advice Column Rationale for assessment SEP8K1 Lesson Plan #3 Ethical practices for confidential communication about individuals with exceptional learning needs SEP9K1 Advice Column Personal cultural biases and differences that affect one’s ability to work with others SEP9K2 Family Case Studies The student will have the ability to: CEC Standard Evidence/Criteria Use strategies, equipment, materials and technologies as directed, to accomplish instructional objectives SEP4S1 Classroom Management Plan