Fall 2018 Course Syllabi

Course Requirements: This course is designed to prepare you to find and obtain employment. Your attitude, investment in the class, treatment of fellow students and your instructor should reflect the level of professionalism expected in a work setting. Assignments should be completed in a professional and timely manner with the same quality you would give an employer. Grading for this course is by the letter grading system. The following is a breakdown of how points are earned: Attendance and In-Class Activities/Participation: 160 points Project I: Resume 50 points Project II: Cover Letter 50 points Project III: Letter of Reference 25 points Project IV: Interviewing for Information 25 points Project V: Mock Job Interview 100 points Project VI: Job Shadowing 200 Points Project VII: Portfolio 140points ______________________________________________________________________ Total 750 points Grading 540-600=A (90%) 480-539=B (80%) 420-479=C (70%) 360-419=D (60%) 359 & below=F As you can see, a large percentage of points come from actually showing up for class and participating. If you need to miss a class, talk to me about an alternative assignment to make up the points if you do not want to lose them for that class period. The requirements for the completed portfolio will be thoroughly discussed in class. The majority of the portfolio contents will be made up of in-class activities and previous assignments, so if you keep up with your attendance and homework, those points will be pretty much guaranteed. My office hours are posted on the bulletin board outside my office, and you are welcome to come see me any time for any reason. Attendance: If you did not show up for work 3 times without explanation or forewarning, you would be fired. This course is to help you become prepared for the world of work. You will drop one letter grade if you have 3 unexcused absences. Attendance is vital to this class for you to succeed.