DCB catalog 2020-22

42 General Information Grade Appeals A grade appeals procedure has been established for cases in which a student believes his/her grade does not reflect academic performance. Students must initiate the grade appeal within three calendar weeks of the last day of the full term or session. The complete grade appeals policy and procedure is available in the Student Handbook found on the DCB website at www.dakotacollege.edu. Students may also contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs regarding questions relating to the grade appeals policy. Final Exams A final examination will be given in all classes that are scheduled at a specific time and a specific day on the semester class schedule. The final exams will be given in accordance with the final exam schedule prepared by the Student Services Office. Instructors who choose not to give a final examination will acquire prior approval from the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs; they will inform the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs what instrument they are using in lieu of a final exam. The rescheduling of a test for an entire class will necessitate prior approval from the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs. Student Request for Change in Final Examination Schedule Students are expected to take final exams in accordance with the final exam schedule. Exceptions made for students requesting to take final exams prior to finals week can only be made in truly extraordinary circumstances. Faculty can refuse student requests to take final examinations early thus ending the course of action. Faculty can approve student requests to petition the Final Examination Exceptions Committee for permission to take final examinations early. Instructors may require an alternate educational activity during the time prescribed for the final exam. Exceptions to this policy may be granted for documented university activities or personal emergencies on a case-by-case basis. The following procedures will implement the policy: a. Students must request consideration for a change to their final examination schedule by completing the Final Exam Reschedule Form (FERF) in conjunction with their advisor. The FERF can be found on the DCB website. A FERF must be completed for each reschedule request. A copy of the student’s transcript and current class schedule must accompany the FERF. After completion, the FERF and required documentation is given to the appropriate faculty for consideration. b. The faculty member will review the FERF. 1) Requests that fall within one week of the scheduled exam may be approved or denied by the faculty member. 2) Requests that fall outside of this one-week period will require a recommendation by the faculty member to the FEEC. 3) All FERFs and required documentation are filed on record with the FEEC.