DCB Student Handbook 2023-2024

38 | P a g e D C B S t u d e n t H a n d b o o k In some cases, because of the nature of an alleged violation, the Student Conduct Committee will automatically convene an informal hearing. The accused student or the complainant will generally have recourse to appeal these decisions through the Student Conduct Appeals Committee. Within a reasonable number of school days, usually not less than three nor more than ten, after a student has been apprised either verbally or in written form that he or she is accused of a violation of the conduct code, a hearing will be scheduled. The time frame for the scheduling of hearings may be altered by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. If a student does NOT show up for his or her hearing, the matter will be adjudicated without their presence. The previously mentioned avenues of adjudication do not preclude the Associate Dean or his/her designee from taking administrative action in response to a complaint to counsel, advise or admonish a student. Due Process Dakota College at Bottineau follows North Dakota State Board Policy, Section 514 in regard to Due Process for Disciplinary proceedings. Article 2 of this policy has The following provisions… Minimum Requirements : Each campus’s student disciplinary procedures involving suspension or expulsion will include, at a minimum, the following elements. Adequate Notice : Any student accused of violating campus policies will receive adequate notice of the alleged violation. In order for the notice to be adequate, the campus must identify the particular charge brought against the student. The notice must be provided to the student at least three days prior to any hearing or deadline for a response from the student. The notice requirement is waived if a student consents to having a shorter notice period. Hearing : Any student accused of violating campus policies will be entitled to a hearing with an opportunity to present his or her own defense. A student who fails to appear for a scheduled hearing will be deemed to have waived his or her right to a hearing. In cases involving suspension or expulsion from school, the accused shall have the right to an attorney or advocate to speak on their behalf. This attorney or advocate will be provided as the accuser’s expense. The SBHE policy is not intended to preclude emergency removals from campus when there is a reasonable basis for believing a student poses a substantial risk of immediate physical harm to students, faculty members, or others. Residence Halls The Dakota College at Bottineau residence hall system has specific courses of action regarding judicial procedures for hall policy violations. These policies can be found in the residential life manual. This authority is granted to the residence hall administration by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and the Student Services office. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs have the jurisdiction to determine the composition of judicial boards. All other policies and procedures concerning student conduct as stated in the student handbook are applicable. Student Conduct Committee The Student Conduct Committee shall consist of the following members: two students appointed by the president of the Student Senate, two faculty members appointed by the president of the Academic Senate, and one staff member appointed by the Dean of the College. The Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, or his/her designee, will be a member of the Committee and will chair the Committee. Senate, two faculty members appointed by the president of the Academic Senate, and one staff member appointed by the Dean of the College. The Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, or his/her designee, will be a member of the Committee and will Chair the Committee. 1. In hearings involving more than one accused student, the chair of the committee, at his/her discretion may permit the hearings to be conducted separately. 2. Reasonable opportunity shall be given to the parties involved to present evidence and argument regarding the complaint. All evidence to be presented must be introduced at the hearings and the chair will determine what records, exhibits, testimony or witnesses will be allowed as part of the proceedings. Members of the committee may question witnesses and the right to cross-examine witnesses lies with the committee. Notarized affidavits are acceptable at the discretion of the committee chair. 3. All hearings will be closed to the public and conducted in private. Admission of any person to the hearing shall be at the discretion of the committee chair. Typically, only those persons who are deemed participants in the hearing shall be allowed to be present. 4. A party may bring to a hearing an attorney or advocate of his/her choice at his/her own expense. The advisor cannot address the