Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

3) To develop knowledge and application of technology 4) To develop skills in mathematical computation 5) To develop an aesthetic appreciation for the world in which we live 6) To promote the management and use of physical activity 7) To develop a knowledge and application of science 8) To understand and appreciate cultural diversity 9) To develop lifelong learning skills 10) To foster interpersonal development Course Content: • SKILL BUILDING MASTERY On the computer is an advanced keyboarding course designed to increase typing speed and accuracy to employable levels of 50+ wpm. It is a self-paced course and students are encouraged to meet the speed and accuracy goals in each exercise before continuing on to the next one. Students will have 15-second, 30-second, and 1-5 minute timing. There are 517 timed exercises that are automatically scored and those that meet the accuracy rate are recorded to the Progress Report. There are five proofreading exercises to teach proofreading skills. The Current Grade Report option average completed lessons and is available at any time throughout the course to help students evaluate their progress toward their goal wpm. The Final Grade Report contains the final grade to be recorded for the Timed Writings and Daily Assignments. If you are already typing 35+ wpm (or 45 or 55 wpm, etc.) and want to increase your speed significantly, go to the Main Menu, Open Screen, Course Entry Timing. The Course Entry Timing is found in the textbook (check Table of Contents); it will determine your present speed/accuracy. Add 10-15 words to the score and use that has your new goal for every exercise. Grading: Your instructor will be able to view your Progress and Grade Reports from the Internet. The grade is generated from the Grade Report on the student's program. Timed Writings using textbook and online website are worth 4 0% of your course grade. Speed Grade (words per minute-words typed in one minute) (word= 5 characters) A= 60+ wpm B= 53-59 C= 45-52 D= 37-44