Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

MATH 104 Finite Math (3 semester credits) Course Description: An extension of basic algebra to areas that have applications in the economic, behavior, social, and life science. Topics include systems of linear equations and inequalities, matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance, elementary probability and descriptive statistics. Prerequisite(s): ASC 093 or ACT Math Score of 21 or Placement Test Instructor: Harmony Richma n 701-845-7658 McFarland 437C Delivery Method: Online Office Hours: By appointment Textbook: Finite Mathematics 11 th Edition; Lial, Greenwell and Ritchey. ISBN-10: 0133864472 ISBN-13 9780133864472 Course Requirements: Students are expected to: • Participate regularly in class discussions. • Submit graded assignments by dates posted on the course calendar. • Read assigned textbook chapters. • Do ungraded, independent practice exercises. • Submit assigned textbook problems as pdf or jpeg files. • Complete graded quizzes/tests. Course Objectives/Student Outcomes: The students will be able to: • Work with elementary probability. • Work with mathematics of finance. • Solve systems of linear equations. • Solve systems of linear inequalities. • Work with linear programming. • Work with statistics. • Demonstrate an understanding of matrices. Relationship to Campus Theme: The course addresses the campus theme by exploring real world applications of mathematics in economics, behavioral, social and life science. Grading Criteria: Your final grade is determined by dividing total points earned by total points possible. Points will be awarded for math activities, selected textbook exercises, online math assignments, reflections, and tests. Grades will be calculated using the following criteria: