Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

Chapter 16 (pg. 407-438) Earthquakes Week 7 Chapter 19 (pg. 491-522) Plate Tectonics Chapter 20 (pg. 527-548) Mountain Belts Topographic map Chapter 21 (pg. 551-579) Geologic Resources Week 8 Chapter 22 (pg. 583-616) The Earth’s Companions Exam 4 (Ch. 15,16,19-22) Final Exam Final Lab Project General Education Goals/Objectives: 1) For a student to have a greater appreciation and understanding of the Earth on which they live and depend. 2) For each student to be able to use the knowledge they obtained in their future. Relationship to Campus Theme: A greater understanding of the Earth, Earth’s resources and its companions in the solar system will lead to a greater respect for the environment. Components of technology will lead to this understanding. Students will explore career options for their future. Classroom Policies: Deadlines have been set up in the course shell so that all the material can be covered in the semester. Please make sure that you keep on top of those dates because late work if accepted will only be worth a portion of the total. Academic Integrity: All laws pertaining to copyright infringement must be adhered to closely. Any information you used must be adequately documented and referenced, giving credit to the appropriate person(s). Academic honesty is expected. Any violations of these terms is sufficient grounds for immediate failure and removal from class. Disabilities and Special Needs: Any student who has a disability that may prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should contact the instructor to discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate his or her educational opportunities.