Summer 2018 Course Syllabi

Instructor Bio : Seth Williams; Landman, teacher/trainer and Chief Executive Officer of STC, Inc. a sales, training and consulting company located in Centennial, Colorado, Seth has accomplished many things over his career. Among those is the founding of a multi-million dollar service and supply company; successfully initiated and negotiated contracts on behalf of major companies; successfully trained hundreds of students including land and land administration professionals, provided business consulting to small businesses and start-up companies; designed highly profitable programs through marketing, training and partner relationships and guided leadership teams for multiple non-profit organizations. Office : Online Office Hours : Use the e-mail tool within the online course to communicate with the instructor. Course e-mail messages will be checked daily, Monday through Friday. Phone : If you have a technical problem, contact the Distance Education office by calling 1-701- 228-5623 or 1-888-918-5623 (toll-free) or the Moodle help desk: 1-866-940-0065. Email : Use online course e-mail tool in Moodle. Lecture/Lab Schedule : Online; assignments and assessments must be completed on or before due dates. Students may work ahead. Textbook(s) : Contracts Used by the Land Professional; 2009 edition; Petroleum Education Workshops, LLC A Comprehensive Study on the Oil & Gas Lease, Lease Obligations, and Lease Clauses; 2007 edition; Petroleum Education Workshops, LLC Course Requirements : Progress Checks: Each chapter will be followed by a graded progress check that can be completed multiple times. Only the best score will be used. Progress checks should be completed by Sunday. Discussion Forums: Three graded discussions are assigned. Students are expected to post a original response and also comment on the posts of two other students. Students initial post should be submitted by each Thursday. Follow-up responses should be posted on Sunday. A 10% deduction will be given to late submissions. Assignments: Seven graded assignments are given. Points vary from 25-100 each. Assignments must be turned in by Midnight on Sunday. At 10% deduction will be given to late submissions. Learn the Terms: Key terminology is provided in a learning activities at the start of the course. Students can complete the activity unlimited times over the term. Only the highest score will be used.