Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

ASC 087 Academic Integrity: The discussion of plagiarism below comes from the Council of Writing Program Administrators. “In instructional settings, plagiarism is a multifaceted and ethically complex problem. However, if any definition of plagiarism is to be helpful to administrators, faculty, and students, it needs to be as simple and direct as possible within the context for which it is intended. Definition: In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers. Most current discussions of plagiarism fail to distinguish between: submitting someone else’s text as one’s own or attempting to blur the line between one’s own ideas or words and those borrowed from another source, and carelessly or inadequately citing ideas and words borrowed from another source. Such discussions conflate plagiarism with the misuse of sources. Ethical writers make every effort to acknowledge sources fully and appropriately in accordance with the contexts and genres of their writing. A student who attempts (even if clumsily) to identify and credit his or her source, but who misuses a specific citation format or incorrectly uses quotation marks or other forms of identifying material taken from other sources, has not plagiarized. Instead, such a student should be considered to have failed to cite and document sources appropriately.” ( http://www.wpacouncil.org/node/9 ) Students should be aware that many academic disciplines do not permit work done for one class to be submitted to another class. The Modern Language Association refers to this as self-plagiarism . See the statement below copied from the MLA website. Is it possible to plagiarize yourself? Yes, it is. If you reuse ideas or phrases that you used in prior work and do not cite the prior work, you have plagiarized. Many academic honesty policies prohibit the reuse of one’s prior work, even with a citation. If you want to reuse your work, consult with your instructor. https://style.mla.org/plagiarism-and-academic-dishonesty/ Collusion , another form of plagiarism, occurs when students work together on homework or other assignments and submit identical or similar work. In cases that display collusion, all parties involved will receive a failing grade Disabilities and Special Needs Any student with disabilities or special needs should inform the instructor, who will make accommodations so students can meet their educational goals